
Some Important Elements In Muslim Wedding Invitations

10.12.18 09:02 AM Comment(s) By rajeshgaikwad222

Muslim Wedding Invitations

Muslim Wedding Invitations | Image Resource : s3.amazonaws.com
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In Muslim community, the wedding cards are known as “Walima” or “Nikah” cards. These marriage invites are adorned with lavish amenities to add style and grace. In most cases, the cards are crafted to suit the theme of the wedding be it a traditional or a modern one. In the past, people used to buy cards from retail stores that had only limited choices. Now, one can find an array of colourful marriage invites online at just the tender touch of a mouse button. Further, certain sites provide mobile applications that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

What are the Elements in Muslim Wedding Invitations?

Any Islamic marriage card would not be complete without certain elements. These are featured in almost all the Muslim wedding invitations. Some couples opt for trendy cards whereas others opt for traditional Islamic cards. Whatever maybe your choice, it is mandatory to include certain elements of which a few are mentioned below.

1. Religious Symbols:

Every Muslim card comes with religious symbols that have been used from time immemorial. You can also find new symbols online from predesigned Muslim wedding invitations. Some of the commonly used symbols in Muslim cards include the star and crescent, Bismillah, Allah, etc.

2. Scripts from Quran:

In addition to religious symbols, scripts are also added from the holy book of Quran. These are included in every wedding card to seek the blessings of Allah. The verses are either selected by the head of the family or the couples. One can also choose different scripts online from predefined templates.

3. Personalized messages:

Guests love to receive wedding cards with personalized messages. These can be written or sent in the form of add-ons such as gift hampers, money envelopes, jewel boxes, and more. You can also invite your guests with digital wedding cards by adding personal songs, messages and videos.

How to beautify your Islamic Marriage Cards?

The internet is speckled with many sites that provide excellent wedding cards that come under all price ranges. From pocket-friendly cards to expensive cards, you can pick anything online at just the touch of a mouse. Scroll cards, peacock theme cards, metallic cards, and handmade cards are some of the royal Islamic marriage cards that are available in the market. You can pick the card of your choice to suit your theme be it a modern or a traditional theme. If you are uncertain as to which card to choose, you can get help from the experts online. So what more do you need? Pick the best card today without wasting a minute!

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